The radiographic examination (orthopantomography) plays a critical role in the diagnosis of dentoalveolar disharmonies with arch crowding. The study comprised 234 children enrolled in the Pedodontics Ambulatory Iasi, with ages range of 6 – 18 years and with different dentomaxillary malocclusions. There were been selected a number of 65 cases with Mdentomaxillary anomalies as clinical entity (29.6 %) and 169 cases (70.94 %) with other forms of dentomaxillary malocclusions, where dentomaxillary disharmony witH crowding represented only a clinical manifestation.
The ortopanthomogram performed to every studied case showed: dimensional changes of teeth (macrodontia),dimensional discordance between tooth size and archesdimensions, dental malpositions,and changes in dental eruption sequence and dynamics.
In order to complete the orthodontic file, beyond the clinical examination, analysis of the casts, ortopanthomogram brings valuable data for the accurate diagnosis of dentomaxillary malocclusion and for the establishment of the individual treatment plan.