Studies have shown similarities in the microflora between titanium implants or tooth sites when samples were taken from gingival crevicular fluid. The purpose of the present study was to study the microflora from curette and gingival crevicular fluid samples using the DNA-DNAhybridization method for determining the microbial load of
the patients who had at least one osseo-integrated implant and remaining teeth. The proportion of Streptococcus oralis and Fusobacterium periodonticum was significantly higher in dental sites. The gingival crevicular fluid samples yielded higher proportions for the studied species (Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola were both higher in gingival crevicular fluid samples than that of curette samples taken from implant surfaces). The microbial composition in gingival crevicular fluid samples taken at implant sites differed partally from that of curette samples taken from implant surfaces, or from sulcular soft tissue providing higher countsfor most bacteria studied at implant surfaces, but with the exception of Porphyromonas gingivalis. A combination of curette and gingival crevicular fluid sampling methods might be the most representative sampling method.