Primary multiple cancers represent a relatively rare pathologic entity. The concept of multiple cancers was enounced by Billroth in 1889. Warren and Gates defined the criteria of classifying multiple cancers and Moertel defined the differential diagnosis criteria between multiple cancers and multi-centric cancers in 1966. we present the case of a 69 years old patient who, in the coarse of 3 years developed: a laryngeal tumour (undifferentiated carcinoma), a rhinosinusal (plasmocitoma) which had a relapse at an interval of 2 years and one at the level of distal phalange of the finger 2 from the right hand (plasmocitoma) which appeared at 6 months after the last intervention for the
rhinosinusal tumour. The diagnosis was established on the basis of the clinical exam and the anatomic-pathological exam of the operator pieces. The treatment consisted of ablation of the tumours followed by radiotherapy for the laryngeal tumour and chemotherapy for plasmocitoma.
- diagnosis