The cellular apoptosis and senescence, generally considered, are extremely complex processes that lead to a reduction in the cell number present in a pluricellular bodies implying several intra and extra cellular mechanismsand events. Finally, these processes lead to a diminishing and even to cessation of the functions of a tissue/organ resulting in the respective tissue/organ death. These are processes characterizing also the structural components of the dento-maxillary system that suffers from senescence
phenomena according to the biological age of the patient or in a precocious form, as a result of the general disease this system is subject to.
In the present paper, based on some clinical and paraclinical observations and on the data gathered from studied specialty literature we tried to establish the possible relationship between serious parodontosis diseases and different types of precocious edentation with great destruction of the bone substratum in a direct relationship with age of the patients suffering from neuraxial diseases.
The research results allow us to note that the genetic or ischemic apoptosis can be accentuated. In the same direction there can be interpreted the modifications made by the neural growth factors.