Aims. This article aims to confirm once again the connection between diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease and to outline the importance of life quality evaluation for patients with diabetes and periodontal disease. Matherial and methode.The study estimates the
social dimension of life quality of diabetics using questionnaires related to social and psychological aspects of life quality, their oral hygiene habits, related to their metabolic control and the obesity. Rezults and discutions. By measuring the indicators of life quality we
can establish correlations between quality of life and development of diseases. The evaluation of the quality of life of diabetics affected by periodontal disease as a study method offers valuable in formations regarding their opinions upon their complex pathology. The quality of life is created by the perceptions of individuals about their social status, in context of cultural value systems in which they live and connected with their own needs, standards and principles. The patients with diabetes who have been included in this study have a prevalence of generalized forms of disease with medium and severe affectation. Concluions. The quality of life has been strongly associated in a negative way to the stage of periodontal disease, the body mass index and the glycemia value and strongly positive to the behavior towards oral health.
- diabetes mellitus
- quality of life