Aims: Dysfunctional syndrome of stomatognat system through its etiology give to treatment plan multidirectional accents depending from pathogenic factors. Matherial and methode:The study is realized on a lot of patients of Implantology Gnathology Esthetics Clinic, Iasi which beneficiated by cranio-mandible repositioning treatment, 952 subjects, 462 male and 490 female, with ages between 13 and 93 years old. The data was taken from patients charts and they consist in results of clinical, complementary exams, initial diagnosis, treatment and final diagnosis. We created a data basis with all interest parameters for cranio-mandible malrelation, the analysis’ve being made with computer statistical programs (Microsoft Excel si Statistica 2000). Resultats and discutios: The neuro-muscle component therapy has in the same time etiological character and symptomatic too. In the symptomatic therapy we use muscle conditioning treatment but we must be consciously that it represents only a little link in the complexity of the cranio-mandible repositioning therapy.