Background: Malignant melanoma occurs through proliferation of the abnormal melanocytes from the skin, mucous membranes and nervous tissues. The process of neoangiogenesis controlled by several factors, produced both by tumoral and host cells is essential in tumoral growth, progression and occurrence of metastasis.
The aim of the study was the evaluation of VEGF-A expression as a main regulating factor of angiogenesis, any increase in the expression of this marker being associated to tumours in vertical growth stage the nodular malignant melanoma.
Materials and methods: The retrospective study included 14 primitive invasive cutaneous malignant melanomas with facial localization. Classical histopatological techniques were used for diagnosis and staging, together with immuno-histochemical techniques to assess the VEGF-A expression on 3 μm seriated sections. The final product of the reaction is citoplasmatic, with granular aspect, red in colour.
Results: In the group under investigation, the intensity of the reaction was variable, from weak to strong, the percent value of positive tumoral cells ranging between 15 and 30%. The VEGF expression was identified in perivascular areas, both in tumoral and stromal cells.
Consequently, the present study demonstrates the important role of the tumoral cells from malignant melanomas in vertical growth stage, in inducing the formation of neo-vessels.
- invasive malignant melanoma
- tumoral angiogenesis