The scope of the present study was to determine surface topography after etching with ortophosphoric acid, of the dentine still present after removal of pathological dentine by mechanical and mecano-chemical methods, according to the Carisolv procedure. 20 molars, extracted as a result of periodontal causes, were used in the study. The teeth were axially sectioned in vestibulo-oral direction, the healthy halves making up the control group. One half of each sectioned carious tooth was used for removal of carious dentine, with a rotating device, the other half being used for removing the pathological dentine, by the Carisolv procedure. All sections were AFMexamined, both before and after acid etching, with 37% ortophosphoric acid, the results obtained being related to the relative variation of rugosity. The mean rugosity indices were higher for the dentine remaining after removal of pathological dentine with both burrs and Carisolv procedure, comparatively with the healthy dentine, both before and after acid etching. The values of the relative quadratic rugosity indices varied, in increasing order, with the healthy dentine, followed by the mechanically-prepared one and the Carisolv procedure, respectively. The statistical Mann Whitney test evidenced no significant differences between the groups under analysis. The treatment with ortophosphoric acid of the dentine remaining after removal of the pathological one, by the Carisolv procedure, leads to a more rugous dentinary surface than in the case of mechanical removal.
Keywords:- AFM
- Carisolv system
- dentine
- etching