Introduction: A comprehensive, recent analysis on the topic reached the conclusion that oxidative stress is the main cause provoking destruction of the periodontal tissue resulting from the host-microbe interaction.
Scope of the study: To investigate the correlation between periodontal health condition and the seric levels of some antioxidants.
Materials and method: A representative group of 58 patients, with ages between 30 and 70 years, were examined, between 2010-2011, as to their periodontal condition, after which peripheric blood was taken over and retinol, -tocopherol, -tocopherol, caroten, caroten, -criptoxantine, zeaxantine, luteine and licopen were extracted from the serum. The values of the antioxidants were measured by high-performance chromatographic liquid technique.
Results: The levels of and caroten, -criptoxantine and zeaxantine were significantly lower in the patients with minimum periodonthopaty debut (p<0.001), as well as in those with increased intensity of periodontopathy debut. -caroten and -criptoxantine were the only antioxidants associated with a higher risk of severe periodontic pathologies.
Conclusions: The low levels registered for some carotinoides, especially -caroten and -criptoxantine, are directly proportional with a higher prevalence of periodonthy installation.
- antioxidants
- oxidative stress