Scope of the study: evaluation of the extent of periodontalalteration, correlated with the plasmaticlevels of cholesterol and of the metabolization time of plasmatic lipides.
Materials and method: The patients forming the experimental group were recruited sequentially, along 6 months, among those having addressed the private dental office for routine examinations. The xperimental group included 39 patients (20 women and 19 men, with ages between 50-60 years, mean age: 54.4±3.1) affected with periodontal diseases, while the control group – 40 patients (26 women and 14 men, with ages between 50-60 years, mean age: 54.4±2.8). There followed measurement of the � jeun plasmatic lipids and of glucose concentrations in blood.
Results: The values of plasmatictriglycerides were higher in the patients of the experimental group, comparatively with the subjects of the control one (+39%), yet no difference has been registered for HDL cholesterol, while the mean plasmatic cholesterol levels and the LDL cholesterol levels in subjects suffering from periodontitis were significantly higher, with approximately 8 and 13%, comparatively with the control. The frequency of hypercholesterolemy in the first group of subjects was approximately double vs. the control.
Conclusions: The pathological levels of triglycerides were about 6.5 times more frequent in periodontitis, comparatively with those of the control group, yet no differentce was observed for the HDL cholesterol level.
- hyp ercholesterolemia.
- plasmatic triglycerides