Authors: Abdulaziz S. ALQAHTANI


Objective. The aim of the present study was to analyze the mandibular anterior teeth dimension and their width-to-length ratio in a Saudi subpopulation. Materials and methods. One hundred and twenty eight (males=64; females=64) Saudi nationals (mean age=25.5 years) with intact mandibular anterior teeth were recruited and participated in the study. Impressions (irreversible hydrocolloids) were recorded and poured in dental stone. Two examiners measured the teeth with a digital caliper in millimeters up to two decimals (mm=0.00), the results being tabulated and paired. Independent sample tests were used for statistical analysis using SPSS at p<0.05. Results and discussion. Pearson correlation (0.91) between the two examiners was positive. Gender wise differences (P<0.05) between the lengths and widths of mandibular anterior teeth were found. No significant difference between the right and left side pairs of teeth was found, except for length of pair (41-31; p=0.026) and width (43-33; p=0.004) for males, and for length (43-33; p=0.001) for females, respectively. Width-to-height ratio of the lower canines revealed that, in male canines, it was wider (72%) compared to female ones (76%). Conclusions. Canines were the longest/ widest (Males: L=9.75mm; W=6.99mm; Females: L=8.7mm; W=6.47mm), compared to centrals (Males: L=8.11mm; W=5.49mm; Females: L=7.88mm; W=5.31mm) and laterals (Males: L=8.14mm; W=6.06mm; Females: L=7.84mm; W=5.82mm). Sizes of mandibular anterior teeth for males were larger, compared to females. Width-to-height ratios of lateral (75%) and central incisors (69%) for both genders were similar. However, there was a difference in canines (Males=72%; Females=76%), namely female teeth longer in height and smaller in width.

  • dental aesthetics
  • mandibular anterior teeth
  • Saudi subpopulation
  • teeth dimensions
  • teeth selection
  • teeth sizes