Introduction: The present study aimed at assessing the prevalence of periodontal diseases and oral hygiene in adults during the COVID-19 lockdown in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia. Materials and methods: A web-based survey with a link was distributed to the participants through social media. A questionnaire consisting of 24 multiple-choice questions was used to obtain data like participants’ medical information, activity performance, social life, emotional status, and oral hygiene during the COVID-19 lockdown (576 completed questionnaires). Results and discussion: The emotional status of participants during the lockdown, smoking, male gender, and nationality appeared as having a positive influence on the prevalence of periodontal diseases (OR = 1.93, OR = 1.91, OR = 1.82, OR = 2.74, p ≤ 0.05. respectively). Oral hygiene practices of Riyadh residents were not affected (p = 0.765) and the use of interdental cleansing aids increased (p = 0.006). Conclusions: COVID-19 lockdown can affect periodontal health in stressed or depressed people.
Keywords:- COVID-19 lockdown
- emotional status
- oral hygiene practices
- periodontal diseases prevalence
- Riyadh residents