Soft tissue management is one of the most important concerns in implantology, both in the preoperatory and post operatory phases. We found it relevant both from a scientific and practical viewpoint to perform a study assessing a series of recommended interventions designed to increase the amount of keratinized mucosa in the future
implant site.
The purpose of this study was to draw a comparison between the efficiency and postoperative complications of a series of mandibular implant area optimization interventions carried out on the soft parts.
The study group included 36 patients, 15 men and 21 women, aged between 22 and 67 years, who were divided into 3 subgroups, according to the type of intervention performed on the soft parts. Here are the methods we employed for soft parts improvement for implant purposes and study patients distribution in subgroups: Group 1 – Vestibuloplasty: 15 patients; Group 2 Vestibular
and paralingual frenulum plasty: 12 patients; Group 3 Hyperplasic mucosa removal: 9 patients. In this study we first performed a statistical evaluation of postoperative complications occurring further to interventions on the soft parts designed to improve the implant area.
The most common were the modeling vestibuloplasty interventions (56%), whose goal was to increase the width of the attached mucosa area.
The most frequent postoperative complications
were pain (19% of the cases) and edema (13% of the cases). Corrective intervention efficiency decreases by 17.98% one month after the intervention, however after 6 months the mucosa capital increases by 95.58%.