The hearing loss is a frequent disease with an incidence over 10% in general population. It has various causes, sometimes the etiological diagnosis is easily formulated, but often it is impossible. The correct diagnosis of the type and degree of the deafness is strongly necessary in order to apply the best treatment and this is impossible without a complet audiological assesement. We present in this paper the cases with hearing loss of rare causes diagnosed in our clinic in 2006, from 279 patients (adults and children) correct and complete
investigated audiologically and complementary accordind to each situation. Between the identified causes of our hearing loss cases we
found: auditory neuropahy, acoustic neuroma, congenitally rubeola, maternal infection with citomegalovirus, meningitis, ototoxicity, evolutive hearing loss, sudden deafness, fluctuating hearing loss, genetic syndromic deafness, multiple sclerosis and middle ear tumors.