Aims: Our study aimed to assess the role of the root canal fillings and coronal restorations quality in endodontic therapy of the periapical lesions. The relative risk parameters (RR), measured by statistical analysis tests, were used to determine the risk of
endodontic therapy failure and association degree between periapical lesions prevalence and quality of the root canal fillings and coronal restorations. The quality of the root canal fillings was assessed by radiographic exam and classified in four classes as follows: adequate density, poor density, adequate length subobturation. The coronal restoration quality was assessed through clinical and radiograph exams focused on marginal sealing along lateral walls, marginal percolations, marginal defects, bulk fractures, secondary caries. The presence and extension of periapical lesions were determined by PAI indices (Periapical Index). The odds that a tooth from group „Inadequate coronal restorations/ Subobturation” to present periapical lesion multiply with 4,23 comparing to ideal situation. The odds that a tooth from group „Inadequate coronal restorations/ Root canal filling with poor density” to present periapical lesion multiply with 3,46 comparing to ideal situation. High prevalence of indices PAI 3-5 and high relative risk parameters values, for teeth with subobturation or root canal fillings with poor density, highlight the direct influence of root canal filling quality on the endodontic therapy efficiency. The marginal sealing of coronal restorations (amalgam, composite-resins) influences relative risk parameters regarding prevention or healing processes in periapical lesions