The stress, as a vital adaptive reaction can either stimulate or depress the immune szstem, through the intervention ofhypothalamic-pituitary-adreno-cortical axe or through the
change of the sanogenic behaviour. The increased levels of cortisole, which can be also detected in the gingival crevice fluid does not represent the primary response to stress, but only one of the levers of action on the biochemical mediators. The noticed immunological events are the imbalance between T helper 1 and 2 lymphocytes, the increase of IL-6 level, the increase of nitric oxide, the decrease of TNF-α, or the change of IL-1β, changes of macrophages and of T and B
lymphocytes proliferation, chemotaxis of monocytes and PMN with a reduced response to the bacterial aggression. The same immunological imbalances have consequences at the level of wound healing, markedly decreased.
- stress