The need for consensus recommendations in this dental pathology was made evident by the lack of clear and robust evidence in the dental literature, as well as confusion about diagnosis and management demonstrated by an educational needs assessment survey. The start
mechanism is the injuries situs, in the first step, and than initialisation of injury in the final step.The initialization of
the injury necessitates unroofing the cement-enamel junction, the predilect site of pain appearance at the dental level. Through enamel erosion from chemical or mechanic etiology, the dentinal tubuli are opened, and odontoblastic protoplasmatic terminations are became sensitive at movements of dentinal fluid from tubuli.Physicals, chemical and mechanical agents which action at the same level, can initiate movements of the dentinal fluid which in turn actions of Tomes fibers, as they are believe to be the true receptors for starting the painfull stimulus.High prevalence of the condition, under diagnosis and widespread availability of noninvasive, efficacious and
inexpensive preventive treatment further underscored the need for direction. A simple algorithm was developed to guide clinicians through the diagnostic process and assist them in determining appropriate case management.