The purpose of this study was that of analyzing the weight of the main changes induced from the level of implantar field through the evolution and complications of the edentation state, with a special accent on the alterations of the osseous field. For realizing this study we have investigated a group constituted of 179 patients, 93 women a nd 8 6 m en, w ith a ges b etween 1 8 a nd 7 2 y ears old who came in the Clinic of Gnatho-Prosthodontics Iasi. For investigation it was used the clinical exam, through descriptive and canonical methods and also paraclinical exams were used: gnathophotostatical exam on intra- and extraoral photography of face and profile, study models and radiological evaluation through OPT with markers. The study demonstrated that most of the investigated patients presented accentuated resoptions of the alveolar ridge, especially women from the group of age of more than 50 years old and also the significant increase of the mucosal resilience. It is justified therefore the increased necessity for interventions for optimizing the implantar
mandibular field both through interventions on osseousstructures and through interventions on soft tissues.