Authors: Liana Aminov, S. Andrian, Mihaela Salceanu, Anca Melian, T. Hamburda, Maria Vataman


The investigations carried out on 142 teeth with chronic apical lesions aimed at evidencing the results of the endodontic therapy applied over a long period of time. The paper, outlining the amount of success attained after radicular treatment of the chronic apical infections, is based on an important number of clinical cases, followed for two years, by clinical observations and radiologic exams. Methods: 142 teeth with chronic apical pathology, treated in the Endodontic Department of our faculty, have been followed up over a two-year period. The clinical and radiological exams made evaluated the rate of success, considering three possibilities of root canal sealing: underfillings, overfillings and correct fillings.
Results: There is a high risk (risk report RR=8.61, p=0.00542) for incorrect fillings (under- or over- fillings), with a higher rate of failure in multi-rooted teeth. The under-fillings (risk report RR-14.42, p=0.0000086) appear more frequently than the over-fillings, the latter presenting a lower risk of occurrence (RR=10. 91, p=0.00052).
Conclusions: Prevention of apical and coronal microleakage by a tight sealing of the radicular space remains one of the most important objectives of modern dentistry.

  • dental infectious hotbeds
  • periapical tissues recovery
  • root canal sealing