The purpose of this article is to provide an updated 2016-2017 overview of oral lesions at risk of malignancy in a group of female patients from Constanța county, lesions identified by examination using conventional light or a device based on fluorescent light technology. The study group included 80 female patients from Constanța who arrived for specialized consultation. 52 cases were examined using conventional light and 28 cases using the Oral ID device, completing the conventional light examination. In this study, oral lesions are more common in the 5th and 6th decade. Regarding the clinical appearance of lesions, the most frequently recorded were the malignant tumors, without specifying their histopathological form, followed by ulcerations and papillomas. Regarding the sites of the oral lesions examined, the highest frequency is represented by the alveolar ridge (26% in 2017, 28% in 2016), followed by the tongue (20% in 2017, respectively 2017) and of jugal mucosa (20% in 2017 and 18% in 2016).Using the Oral ID device in this patient group has shown great sensitivity and a good visualization of the edges of the oral lesions. A correct evaluation of the tendency of the oral mucosal lesions at risk of malignancy among the female patients requires further studies on larger group and longer periods.
Keywords:- autofluorescence diagnostic device.
- female patients
- oral cancer.
- trends